A Season of Hope…?



I am Selco and I am from the Balkan region, and as some of you may know it was hell here from 92-95, anyway, for 1 whole year I lived and survived in a city WITHOUT: electricity, fuel, running water, food distribution, without any kind of organized law or government. The city was surrounded for 1 year and it actually was a real SHTF situation. Our allies were our enemies from one day to the next. Today I’m prepared and share my experience on this blog.

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“Better to be a dog in a peaceful time, than to be a human in a chaotic (warring) period.” – Chinese expression


Terrorist attack in Germany, problems in Baltics, Syrian conflict with its all aspects and complications, everybody afraid of Russians…

The Balkans is suffocating in its own small „race for weapons“ and trying to find out is it better to look to West or East…?

Immigrants are changing complete fabric of many countries and yet there are more waves of them to expect probably…

Folks in US who expecting and hoping things go better after January, but there are no guarantees.


We are living in the world where it is huge risk to go to the open and celebrate something, because one truck with brainwashed man inside can do chaos and bloodshed.

And there are way too many trucks and way too many brainwashed lunatics.


Europe is falling down slowly, but for sure in series of events that may look like nothing too serious if you look at it one by one problem, but all together it is something that is bigger than us.

It is something that is going to be learned (hopefully) in history lessons in future something like our time now was a  „big turning point“ If there is gonna be history and people to learn it in the future.

People more and more get into the state when they realize that being something like prepper make sense, and that is good.

On the other hand, most folks do not realize how bad and long it is going to be, but it is fine. Any work in a direction of being aware is good for start.

I wish to people to stay prepared and learn all the time together with their families and good friends.

I wish you all Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Enjoy the celebrations, but do not relax to much. Keep on with your prepping efforts, now is NOT the time too ‘ease up’ on things…

2017 is probably going to be an interesting year…. What do you think might happen?

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13 Responses

  1. It’s definitely going to be interesting. I hope to get through the inauguration with no big problems in the U.S., and then I hope Donald Trump keeps his word. But, ultimately, my hope is in Jesus Christ, who never fails us.

    Merry Christmas, Selco, and may you have a peaceful New Year. Thanks for all the valuable information you share here.

  2. Merry Christmas and a great year 2017, for all your team, thank you for the great texts you sent me! We hope to continue to enjoy your experiences.
    I agree with you that people are not realizing that the sum of the “little facts” that has happened in the Europe are signaling something much bigger.
    Perhaps we are experiencing (again) facts of history of extreme importance and neither and most are not even realizing …

  3. You are so right, any work in the direction of being aware is definitely a good start. I know I don’t respond much on your posts, but I do enjoy them and learn from them. Have a wonderful New Year!

  4. Some of the most poignant words right there.

    Enjoy the celebrations, but do not relax to much. Keep on with your prepping efforts, now is NOT the time too ‘ease up’ on things…

  5. It’s definitely getting more chaotic and it’s going to become even more so. Hope for the best but plan for the worst breakdown of a world in a fallen moral state. Jesus help us who love you!!

  6. A belated Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to everyone.
    2017 looks to be a year of epic shape…very doubtful that the dollar will survive. The EU is a casualty waiting to happen and may disband suddenly, and along with it the catastrophic pile of Euro debt.

  7. Hello Selco, Jay…
    I know your story through Julio’s blog, since then I’ve read all of your texts that are great by the way.
    In 2011 I was in Japan during the catastrophe and I already knew some concepts of survival that left me in a more comfortable situation.
    Anyway, thank you for your contribution and keep doing this great work.
    Sorry for bad English

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